During or prior to the Education Health Care Plan (EHC plan) parents and prospective pupils can make an appointment to visit Abbey Hill Academy & College to discuss the school / college and the individual pupil’s SEND and curriculum needs. During this visit parents / families will be made welcome and given a School Prospectus and/or College brochure. A member of the Leadership Team or a Department Lead will also complete the school's ‘New Pupil File’ to obtain relevant pupil information. We will endeavour to answer any questions and discuss any concerns.
The admission of pupils to Abbey Hill Academy & College is largely controlled by the Local Authority (LA). The LA follows the procedures described in the SEND Code of Practice 2014 and may recommend placement at the school. Referrals for admission to Abbey Hill Academy & College will arise from a pupil’s EHC plan or Annual Review recommendations agreed by Stoke-on Trent Local Authority (LA) where Abbey Hill School & College is named.
* Decisions regarding naming a school on a EHC plan are a matter for the LA through its Assessment Panel. The Headteacher or a member of the Leadership Team attends weekly panel meetings with the Statutory Assessment / Monitoring and Assessment department.
* Admissions will be co-ordinated by the Education Officer (Special Educational Needs / Statutory Assessment). Parents will have been consulted throughout the process of naming Abbey Hill Academy & College on their child’s EHC Plan.
If the offer of a placement is accepted then the school / college wish to make the transition as easy as possible for the pupil and his / her parents. We will arrange a transition plan which consists of several visits to the school / college to ensure that your son / daughter is familiar with their new teacher and education setting. We will also gather key information in order to support the young person as effectively as possible.