In our Primary Department pupils are taught through a cross-curricular thematic curriculum. Maths, R.E. and areas of PSHEE stand alone to ensure sufficient coverage over the school year.
Our curriculum is based on the key objectives from the National Curriculum programme of study and each theme is designed to include the interests of the pupils. The learning is planned through a theme, which means that it is more meaningful to our pupils, and allows many opportunities to develop language skills and communication.
Pupils participate in a range of social education opportunities across the school year to develop life skills and confidence.
The teaching of reading and phonics is done primarily through the delivery of the Read Write Inc. Programme. Reading skills are then further developed across all areas of the curriculum. Book bands are used to provide graded books for home.
Religious Education
Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE. Please speak to a member of the Senior Leadership Team in the first instance