Our Outreach & Training service operates from Abbey Hill Academy providing a service to all schools / academies in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire and surrounding areas. The service has been developed to support the inclusion of pupils with SEND.
We offer a wide range of support:
Consultancy advice
Specialist pupil advice
Classroom strategies
Access to resources
A range of training opportunities are also available
How can I access the service?
If you require specialist training, please contact us on 01782 355849 or get in touch by contacting outreach@abbeyhill.sbmat.org
If you would like to request support for a particular pupil in your school or setting who has an EHCP / diagnosis of special educational needs, please feel free to complete and return a referral form below.
Alternatively, request more information by contacting us on 01782 355849 or get in touch by contacting outreach@abbeyhill.sbmat.org