Abbey Hill Academy & College benefits from working with a range of multi-agency professionals who support our pupils.
Clinical Psychologist
Regular sessions throughout the year. Their work includes:
Speech & Language Therapist
1 day per week, offering intervention, 1:1, and small group work.
Occupational Therapist
1 day per week support from a qualified Occupational Therapist who provides programmes to support pupils’ sensory needs. This is supported by our own Occupational Therapy Assistant who works 5 days per week.
School Nurse
The school nurse visits school weekly. The school nurse assists and advises on health problems around the school. The nurse also has confidential “drop-in” sessions for pupils.
Careers Advice Service
Abbey Hill Academy & College benefits from its own Careers Adviser. The Careers Adviser becomes involved with Year 8 pupils and above looking at post-school opportunities. The Careers Adviser will work with pupils with the aim of ensuring transition from school life to adult life is as smooth as possible.
Pupil Support Team
The Pupil Support Team organise a range of professionals to visit school.
The nature of the professionals varies according to needs, and the nature of the work can take various forms.
Extended Services
We offer a variety of Extended Services eg: after school, lunchtime and holiday clubs. The after school and lunchtime clubs change regularly after consultation with pupils and the School Council.
Outreach & Training
Our Outreach & Training Service operates from Abbey Hill Academy providing a service to all mainstream schools / academies in Stoke-on-Trent and surrounding areas. The service has been developed to support the inclusion of pupils with SEND, specialising in autism. A range of training courses are available. Please visit our Outreach & Training page for further details.